She was one of my earlier creations. I loved drawing her.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Haven't been on in a WHILE but =) I made this Piano piece for my dad

Hope ya'll like it. I don't have any piano training so bare with me. :)

Momento by Alexandria Imutan aka Lexie Tanium


  1. I happened by from your MS3B link and caught your dance video and artwork. Amazingly talented girl. Very impressive. Just couldn't go without sayin' it. :-)

  2. That sounds so amazing T_T
    How's your dance going?
    I see that you're still keeping up with the gw news (about the skyrim on youtube xD) ~Not stalking, or anything xD

  3. =X ahahahaha dude I'm totally playin it but goin on a downtime coz I'm waiting for the mod tool to come out. =) adopt my panpan kitty! and of course :P ahahahaa and I can't dance for a while coz of injuries xX
